Fundamentals of Music is a class designed not only for non-music majors and music majors, but also for the community at large. For those who would like to learn to read music and learn the basic musical language, this is the class to meet those needs.
Some students have spent their life playing by ear, but feel that something is inherently missing, and that is the ability to have all music at their fingertips. This class will help fill those musical gaps.
Many music business and music technology majors are attracted to those fields of study without any prior music knowledge. Fundamentals of Music will help prepare these prospective majors prior to their first year of Basic Theory. For them, Fundamentals of Music is a necessity.
Course Materials
OnMusic Fundamentals Access Card

Getting Started
Buying and Registering Access Code:
- Using your VCCS student email account, purchase Brytewave's OnMusic Fundamentals Fourth Edition from New River Online BookstoreLinks to an external site..
- After buying your material, you will receive a Web Order Confirmation. Your 16-digit PIN number will be in that Web Order Confirmation email.
- Click BrytewaveLinks to an external site. to create an account.
- Once logged in, select "Redeem Access Code." Enter the 16-digit Brytewave PIN number.
- After redeeming your Brytewave access code, you will be provided with the Connect for Education (C4E) publisher's 14-digit access code usually located within the "My Shelf" page.
- Go to the Connect 4 Education Module in Canvas, and type in the 14-digit publisher’s access code to unlock the course content. From this point forward, access the course through the Connect 4 Education link in Canvas.
- Acquaint yourself with the Course Information section under Modules before starting the class.
- This is a ten-week course so be sure to follow the course schedule to stay on target with deadlines.
- Check regularly course announcements in CANVAS and your CANVAS inbox to access all communications from your instructor.
- Contact your instructor with any questions or concerns. Professor Billaud quickly responds and eagerly looks forward to helping you!