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CST 100 Online - Principles of Public Speaking

Course Description

CST 100 Principles of Public Speaking provides students with an understanding of the process of human communication in public situations through the application of theory and principles of public address. Students will gain an overview of the process of public speaking, then learn the basic principles of speech preparation, and finally apply and adapt those principles when delivering various types of speeches.

Online Course Description

The CST 100 online sections are an online course with no required meetings on campus. In order to satisfy the course requirements and objectives each student must comply with the following technical requirements:

Each student MUST deliver her or his speech in front of an audience of at least five to ten adults. Failure to adhere to this requirement will result in a grade of "0" for the speech. Accepted settings for speech delivery are academic settings, professional/corporate organizations, civic organizations, clubs, councils and religious organizations. Speeches may not be delivered in domestic settings ( i.e. in the family home, family reunions, etc.). Failure to comply with the required setting will result in a grade of "0" for the speech.

Each student is responsible for the necessary equipment to record presentations. New River Community College and the office of Online Learning will not be considered responsible for providing equipment or services. Students who cannot provide the required audience, setting and/or equipment are directed to drop this course and add another section of CST 100 Public Speaking.

NRCC offers CST 100 as a traditional lecture course and as a hybrid online course. The hybrid courses are as follows:

Hybrid Course Description

Hybrid courses are structured with classwork being done online but students must meet on campus in order to deliver their speeches.


See the Course Plan provided by the instructor.

Course Objectives

The main objectives of CST 100-30 are to help the student:

  • Overcome self-consciousness and physical tension when speaking.
  • Understand the communication process as it pertains to public speaking.
  • Develop good listening habits in a wide variety of speech situations.
  • Learn the techniques of effective speech preparation and presentation.
  • Understand the complexities and expectations of diverse audiences.
  • Analyze various audiences and speech occasions.
  • Understand the ethical choices and responsibilities facing the public speaker.
  • Develop and demonstrate speech making skills for a variety of speech situations, using extemporaneous delivery.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in outlining, composing and research skills.
  • Demonstrate proficiency in verbal and nonverbal skills necessary for public speaking.
  • Apply the ethical use of language.
  • Sharpen critical thinking skills.

Testing Information

Tests can be taken by a variety of methods:

  1. in the Testing Center on campus in Martin Hall;
  2. at the Christiansburg site;
  3. through an approved test proctor; or
  4. through the instructor. Unless you initiate the process of requesting a proctor or arranging to take a test through your instructor, it will be assumed that you will either test at the Testing Center or at the Christiansburg site - whichever is more convenient for your schedule.

Please familiarize yourself with the testing procedures found in The Student's Guide to Online Learning. You will be responsible for knowing these procedures.

Proctor Description

If you are unable to travel to campus to take your tests, you may need a proctor. A proctor is an individual who agrees to receive your tests from NRCC, administer them to you in a suitable environment and return them to NRCC in a timely fashion. This proctor will certify in writing to NRCC that you completed the test according to all the specified directions provided.

Proctors must be requested within one week after the DE Orientation, or one week from your enrollment if it falls after this date.

A proctor can be:

  1. college or university personnel: administrator, faculty member, counselor, librarian, or any official testing center personnel if a testing center is available;
  2. public or private school personnel: superintendent, principle, guidance counselor, librarian or teacher;
  3. organization or institution education personnel (e.g. training coordinator or human resource personnel);
  4. minister or member of the clergy.

Please Note: Relatives, regardless of their position, are not permitted to be proctors. Students, regardless of their position, are not permitted to be proctors.

Proctor Request Guidelines

Requests for proctored tests and the individual proctor must be approved by the Online Learning office and/or your faculty member. NRCC reserves the right to reject requests or proctors for any reason. To request a proctor, fill out the PROCTOR REQUEST form and return it as soon as possible so that your tests will not be delayed.

It is your responsibility to keep in mind test deadlines when requesting a proctor. If approved, your tests will be mailed to the proctor within a week of your request. If you have any questions about the proctoring process, contact the Online Learning office 540-674-3614.

Proctor Requirements

Proctors are required to: keep tests in a safe place until the student requests them; provide a testing-conducive environment for the students to test in; monitor the taking of test; mail the test, answer sheet and Test/Assignment Receipt back to NRCC Testing Center as soon as possible after completion; mail any remaining tests back to NRCC Testing Center at the end of the semester. Any fees for testing services or the return of tests to NRCC (cost of fax, U.S. Mail or UPS) are the responsibility of the student.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q: How does a online speech class work? Do I actually have to stand before an audience and deliver my speeches?
    A: Yes! Even though online CST 100 courses are focused as an online course, all students are required to attend four on-campus meetings in order to deliver their speeches. The preparation work is done independently but all students are required to demonstrate proficiency before a live audience.
  • Q: Who is my audience?
    A: The audience will be those students enrolled in your section of CST 100 Principles of Public Speaking.
  • Q: May I submit video tapes of my speeches instead of appearing before the class?
    A: No. All students are required to demonstrate proficiency in adapting to a live audience - after all, this is a public speaking class!
  • Q: Do I have to attend all four class meetings?
    A: Students are allowed to miss two (2) of the required four class meetings. Any student who misses three (3) class meetings will be withdrawn from the course.
  • Q: Must I stay for the entire class meeting? May I leave after presenting my speech?
    A: It is expected that all students remain for the entire class meeting. Classes are normally arranged to meet on four Thursday evenings from 6:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. The learning process includes both the opportunity to participate in speech making as well as opportunities to observe the speeches of other students. Leaving early denies the opportunity to participate in observation and discussion as well as denies the remaining students an audience.
  • Q: May I present all four of my speeches in one evening?
    A: No. In order to learn, adapt and apply the principles of public speaking there must be time for composition, revision, rehearsal, delivery and feedback from the instructor for each of the four speeches.
  • Q: May I contact my professor for help? How?
    A: Certainly!

    You may contact Jonathan Allen at 540-674-3600 ext. 4322, email jmallen@nr.edu, or stop by Godbey Hall 35.

    All students are welcome to ask questions to clarify assignments, to submit drafts of work, etc. and are encouraged to do so.

Enrollment Support:



Spring 2025 14-Week Session
Spring 2025 10-Week Session
Spring 2025 1st 7-Week Session
Spring 2025 2nd 7-Week Session
Spring 2025 Exam Schedule

Communication Studies And Theatre Department Contact Information

General questions and requests about the Communication Studies And Theatre program should be directed to Jonathan Allen 1-866-462-6722, extension 4322, or (540) 674-3600, extension 4322.
You may also email jmallen@nr.edu.

Communication Studies And Theatre Department Faculty

Call (540) 674-3600 or toll-free 1-866-462-6722, then you will be prompted to add the extension number to reach any employee.

Jonathan Allen


Instructor of Communication

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Jill Ross


Public Relations Specialist / Adjunct Instructor

Employee Photo

Scott Shaffer


Adjunct Instructor

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  •  5251 College Drive
  •  Dublin, VA 24084
  •  (540) 674-3600
  •  Toll Free: 866-462-6722
  •  Fax: (540) 674-3602
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  •  782 New River Road NW, Suite 400
  •  Christiansburg, VA 24073
  •  (540) 674-3610
  •  Fax: (540) 381-7128
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